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I can´t trust you anymore
You killed my zoul and burn my heart to the ground

You hurt me alot and I can´t feel the pain anymore
I can´t love you but even if I wont

Don´t be afraid of the dark
when I´m with you
I never been perfect so keep me in your memories
and in your black heart

When my time comes, please forget me and leave me alone on the street

I can´t be who you are

The pain in my heart, I can´t take it anymore

When you hurt me everytime
I give you a chance

You have hurt me once, isn´t that enough?

Or will you kill me with your bloody words that kill my zoul

Why do you hurt med over and over again, my zoul is dead and my heart to

You have killed me to the ground!
I don´t need you anymore !

Fri vers av Tirinty
Läst 331 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2008-10-13 13:53

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