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All rights reserved, © Edgar John Jackson/Rhyme-music-2008. Copying without permission for non-personal use is forbidden. Chitré-Herrera-Panama

I shoulda cried

Should I ever ask?
Should I wear a mask?
But I can’t fall down on my knees now
‘Coz I don’t find somehow
What love means to you
‘Coz I’ve given everything
And more and more to you
But what I’ve got in return was nothing
Now I take the pieces of me far from you.

Shouldav you learned what love is about?
Shouldav you burned the bridge to be out?

I shoulda cried
By your side
I shoulda denied
I shoulda been so far
Leaving you alone as a star
So you could care about
Not let me go out
But I gotta doubt…

I gave you the sky
I gave you a tear to cry
But nothing was enough
If you found ‘em so tough

Now you are free to run
Spread your wings and fly
Being your hunter
Has not been fun
Now I just can cry
Blaming me to make myself better
You silence me with a kiss
And it’s what I gotta miss
Please, hold on this…

Fri vers av Edgar John Jackson
Läst 200 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-10-22 05:56

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Edgar John Jackson
Edgar John Jackson