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All rights reserved, © Edgar John Jackson/Rhyme-music-2008. Copying without permission for non-personal use is forbidden. Chitré-Herrera-Panama

And I am here

What to think about
This truth is just hurting me
I feel it in and out
Taking you deep and far from me
(From me)

Why’s it your way?
One reason was in you
And I need to say
But my life is going with you.

And I am here…here finding you and me
To be strong and able to forget and see
How you could forget being close to me
(To me)

I see my memories
Close to our kisses
That locked our promises
And I thought it made us so strong
But it’s been a road not so long
It was wrong

Won’t you see it? It’s not only about me
Betrayal made us going with no trust between you and me.

What to think about
This truth is just hurting me
I feel it in and out
Taking you deep and far from me
(From me)

Fri vers av Edgar John Jackson
Läst 227 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2008-12-07 14:27

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Edgar John Jackson
Edgar John Jackson