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Forever gone

A year gone by
a year since I saw you
Try not
try not to think
Thoughts of you never fade
Where are you?
Am I still there?
Am I a dream passed by
no longer a part of you?
Sitting at home
thousands of miles away
Can\'t stop
Can\'t stop thinking about you
I want to leave this behind
but thoughts of you torture my mind
Night and day
No sleep
no rest until I hear from you
Don\'t you care at all?
I gave you three years of my life
and what do I get back?


How can you be so cold?
Please tell me
I need to know
It\'s killing me
I stood up for you
I respected your needs
Can\'t you do the same for me?
It wont do any good
You can\'t erase me out of your mind
They will never disappear!

Övriga genrer av Dreyra
Läst 440 gånger
Publicerad 2005-08-24 22:15

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