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Generation New

Secret songs in a divided head
to strong, to heavy in a lying stone
Serching for reflections in a dull dead eye,
a smile, a cry, a word that means all
and nothing means nothing when the agony fall

Sacrifice my thoughts through nessesary means
proclaim everything in a wounded dream
Nothing mean nothing in a world named lost
Dirt is dirt whatever road you cross
Build up your conflict from the truth within
Go deeper my friend, this war we will win

My truth is my god, My hands filled with blood
The closer to the end, the more we decend
know the living before the living knows you
breath the air of a generation new

Spinning wheel, always to fast
A webb made of glue and dying parts
Prepared for a youth, wasted in time
to late, your faith will die behind this wall
and nothing means nothing when the agony fall

Fri vers av Herr Fred Frikadell
Läst 174 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-05-09 19:14

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Herr Fred Frikadell
Herr Fred Frikadell