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Pardon me..

I beg your pardon, I dont mean to waste your time,
I need someone to talk to for a moment so if you dont mind?
Lets talk about the world and the people that live here today
So lay back, relax, and listen to me when I say

there´s nothing in the world that could keep you from
doin what you love and love while your young
There´s no one else who can tell you what or not to do
You are on your own now there only you

There ´s only you by the end of the day
There´s only you when the rest turn away
These´s only you when the mind goes blue
The only one who can affect someone like you are you

In progress..

Fri vers av iskristall
Läst 410 gånger
Publicerad 2005-09-22 22:07

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