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Goddess of Everything only 4 U


I am Goddess of Everything; soon in your town.

Arrive as I am, I will do on my own.

I'm so much more than the eye ever see.

Everything and whatever - thats me.

I'll be here today - tomorrow I'm gone.

Leaving nobody, but left everyone.


I'm Goddess of Everything; don't get me wrong!

Climbing too high and I'm not coming down.

Getting too much, but did not get enough.

Don't give a f*ck, because all is a laugh.

Now on the run, trying not to think twice

of it's true nature when paying the price.


I am Goddess of Everything; soon in a blast

when today and tomorrow connect with the past.

Being messed up - and I'm begging for more.

I'm closing up. Soon I will have it all

blended so well as it never before.

Hanging with demons through these akward nights.

Worship myself, then go picking a fight.


I am Goddess of Everything; leaving your town.

Leave as I came, I will be on my own.

Thinking that now is when I have to run

but, somehow, know that I'm already done.

I am messed up, got enough, dont you see?

 It's about time life goes easy on me.


Bunden vers (Rim) av Recycled Redhead 3.0 VIP
Läst 96 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2023-08-21 09:03

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"It's about time life goes easy on me."

ja, det är tråkigt här, har varit så nån timma, men vill inte stirra i taket så.... fick potatossoppa till middag. herregud. längtar efter fler texter <3 ska väl läsa alla. men känns skämmigt om jag kommenterar igen, som här lol.

    ej medlem längre
life wont go easy on me. dip (snus) isnt working anymore. i get nauseus from it. so i decided to quit. you have a lot of power in your words. oh and its want not wan't unless you mean want to. dunno. and one usually does emojis with the nose. since its intrinsic in the expression anyway.

anyway. im grumpy. no dip. ill turn awful for awhile. then tons of OCD constantly. everyone will ignore me online. i know what its like. at least i have more energy now, but i cant listen to music :( <3

youre the bomb! <3 <3 <3
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Recycled Redhead 3.0
Recycled Redhead 3.0 VIP