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Låt text skriven av mig..Snälla kommentera gärna, vill veta vad ni tycker... Vill ha både negativa och positiva kommentarer!!!

Forgive Me

The love I have for you no one can change
I did make a mistake that I wish wasn't made
I'll try to move on and live my life
But I'll think of you every night
Every time I close my eyes, I can see you're beautiful smile
What did I do, where did I go wrong
I loved you for so long.
The pictures of that night is stuck in my head, it's something that I will never forget

Forgive me for a stupid mistake
Forgive me for throwing our love away
Forgive me, for being so blind
Forgive me, for not seeing that you're the one

The day you walked away was as a dream
Hard to believe that it was reality
I do understand you don't want me near
Baby, there is nothing more to fear
I promise that I'm a better man
Baby, I just want you back
If even so as a friend

Forgive me for a stupid mistake
Forgive me for throwing our love away
Forgive me, for being so blind
Forgive me, for not seeing that you're the one

Baby we were meant to be
In this life, forever you and me
Give me another chance
To show you that I am a better man

Forgive me for a stupid mistake
Forgive me for throwing our love away
Forgive me, for being so blind
Forgive me, for not seeing that you're the one

Fri vers av Lindushi
Läst 321 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2010-03-04 01:06

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