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Last breath

As I take the last breath I think of my life
Just realised that I was trying to live it through your eyes
All you ever did was telling me lies
Now that I'm dying you are nowhere to be found
How stupid of me to fall for your crap
You were never satisfied with what I did
Rules and orders were all you could give
Never a kiss on the cheek or lips
The only time you touched my face, was a fist full of rage
I can finally breath I'm out of the cage
Going to have my peace in the grave
Whatever you do, don't pray
God doesn't like unfaithful and beaters
He likes only faithful people
Good bye my dear I loved you so
Finally getting my reward now
Heavens gate are open and welcoming me

Fri vers av Lindushi
Läst 341 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2010-04-04 18:18

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