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to you emil.

Before i fall to sleep my heart want\'s to tell you this

I\'m in my bed, thinking about going to sleep.
but i just keep thinking of you.
Everything i want to say to you.

Tell you how much i wish i had a chanse, just to hold you in my arms.
When i see you, i feel like 14 again and in love for first time.
I feel so warm, so scared, so hopeless in love.

That\'s how i feel.
Your eye\'s make me just wanna kiss you.
Get to know you more, I want to know everything.

Now my eye\'s are falling down.
But i open them again.
Just to finish this poem to you.
I\'m all out of love, and so lost without you.

Fri vers av Nathalie a.k.a LoveMee
Läst 452 gånger
Publicerad 2005-11-09 15:18

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  Frida E
Jag tycker den känns som en låt lite från och till. Speciellt första stycket skulle göra sig och bra:

"I'm in my bed, thinking about going to sleep.
but i just keep thinking of you.
Everything i want to say to you."

"I'm all out of love, and so lost without you."

Även sista meningen är helt klockren och skulle bli en skitbra refräng rent ut sagt. Fortsätt skriva!
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Nathalie a.k.a LoveMee
Nathalie a.k.a LoveMee