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till mina brossor


I miss you my brothers, everyday.
I still wonder if i should have staid.
Lost everything we had,
becouse i could not thake the pain with dad.
I\'m so sorry don\'t be mad.

Remember all the things i have said, all we have done.
All the fights just for fun.

Someday my little friends i have to say all this to you.
I\'m so sad i lost all of you.
everytime we meet we stay in out corners, out of reach.

All the memories i have erased.
sometimes hard to even se your face\'s.

We used to be so much closer.
Playing hide and seek in some closet.
Do you remember anything of that?¿
do you remember anything or is it all black?¿

I don\'t remember how i used to be.
But i really love all you 3.

Fri vers av Nathalie a.k.a LoveMee
Läst 517 gånger
Publicerad 2006-03-19 22:03

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Nathalie a.k.a LoveMee
Nathalie a.k.a LoveMee