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Last time

Yesterday was the end for you, last day i was a part of that life to.
Now i\'m on my own, i have finaly shut the door.
I don\'t need to cry, i don\'t need to be sad.
I will not anymore call you dad.

I have a life on my own, muture enought to be grown.
All the things that comes within, a child like you will not be missin\'.
I have problems on my own, a different road to walk on.
A life to take care of, can\'t take yours it\'s enough.

I\'m not the one to blame becouse your fucked up.
Only you can make a choice, even doe is rough.
I have given you chances all the time before,
i\'m fed up it i\'ll be no more.

I hope wake up and see, whats important and not.
Pleace don\'t call, I wont pick up.
You gonna end up with no home but jail,
And no one will stand there and pay the bail.

Bye father, it\'s up to you.
It\'s nothing else that i can do.

Fri vers av Nathalie a.k.a LoveMee
Läst 537 gånger
Publicerad 2006-11-15 11:34

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    Mattias Karlsson
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Nathalie a.k.a LoveMee
Nathalie a.k.a LoveMee