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skriven till min vän som dog i cancer... rest in peace..<3

My angel..

You said that we alwyas would be together.
That we were meant to be with each other.
But you were wrong.
One day, you were here,
But the next day, you were gone.
The smile in your face,
The happyness in your eyes.
Everything is gone.

You were my angel.
My only one.
Your hand in mine.
Never let go.
You were my angel.
My only one.
But now you're gone.

You said that everything would be okey.
But without you, nothing's allright.
None can wipe my tears, like you did.
My tears is now flowing down my cheeks.
But this time,they hit the floor.
'cause you're not here,
To catch them anymore.
You face is the sky, night and day.
I'll love you to the end of breath.

You were my angel.
My only one.
Your hand in mine.
Never let go.
You were my angel.
My only one.
But now you're gone.

I see you.
I cry.
I miss you.
I cry.
I love you.
Every singel day.
To the end of breath.

'cause you were my angel.
My only one.
But now you're gone.
And I wish I could have save you...

Fri vers av SimplePlanGeek
Läst 267 gånger
Publicerad 2010-10-07 13:33

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