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en jag tycker väldigt mycket om, blev jättearg på mig. jag sa att jag inte är söt, för jag kännde mig inte söt just då.. men han förstod nog inte att jag menade så.. jag kanske har förlorat en som betyder mycket för mig, igen..

Unpretty yesterday

If i feel unpretty today, does it give you the right to hate me?
If i was prittier yesterday, how does it make me \"always ugly\".

If it\'s been a bad day, must i smile and be happy?
But i got happy when you smiled, but do i then have to cry becouse yesterday a wonderful person died.

If life would easy we would have answer for everything,..
But then you never fight,..
Then you don\'t have anything to fight for,..
The you don\'t have anything to love for,..
Then you don\'t have a heart,..

But still,..
Just give up,..
Would ofcourse be easy,..
You still don\'t have anything,..
You would not gain anything, you would not lose anything,..

I\' m not the looser, I got strength it\'s those who give up who should be ashamed,..
But i have to fight my problems, for the rest of my life,..
And i will learn, and survive..

But no one is always happy..

Fri vers av Nathalie a.k.a LoveMee
Läst 436 gånger
Publicerad 2005-12-21 09:21

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Nathalie a.k.a LoveMee
Nathalie a.k.a LoveMee