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skrevs den 26 oktober 2011

thousands little pieces

she gave him her heart
cause it was the only thing
that she could give him
but when he gave it back
was her heart broken.
there where thousands little pieces.
laying on the flour.
he turned around and went away
he didn’t look back once

the boy went and left were a girl
laying on the flour with pieces of her heart al around her

tears, made of blood
were running down her cheeks.
she could never be whole again.
it was to many pieces to rebuilt

the boy went and left were a girl
laying on the flour with pieces of her heart al around her

she stands up and looked down
at her hearts small pieces and turned around.
the tears aren’t falling down anymore.
she left them. and everything else with her broken
everyone looks right through her.
no one can see
because hers is to broken to beat.

the boy went and left were a girl
laying on the flour with pieces of her heart al around her

Fri vers av en trasig
Läst 229 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-10-27 08:53

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