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En morgon i New York City.

When morning comes.

Weary eyes
sirens making its way all over this town
where I don't belong
It wakes me up, I'm high up above
they can't touch me now
the sun is a million miles away
but it's right there, outside my window pane
all the streetlights are fading
heartbeats are all I'm hearing
everything seems to glitter in a way they never did before
and through the crack in the curtains
the sunlight is closing in on my bare skin
and like a flickering candle in a dark room,
our eyes can finally see all the beauty in our shadows,
while we're getting closer to our doom.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Atena
Läst 253 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2015-11-23 23:44

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