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Pastime distraction.

you came out of nowhere
not even on my radar but you kept on coming back like a pop-up page,
making sure that i would never forget
I’d hit the x button a hundred times, i couldn’t deny
suddenly you were a part of every single day
my memory is failing me, all i see is you
and i question myself like; did i really have a life without you in it?
like an addict i went back for more
started to fall in love with the writing voice of yours
an image on a screen with words that you said were only for me
but things can’t turn real, all of the sudden we had so much to deal
we both started to run,
you first, me after
i paused to catch my breath, you ran faster
and when it really came down to it
pen-palling was only a pastime distraction.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Atena
Läst 289 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2016-08-24 18:00

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