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Easy just like that


We born,
Easy just like that

We die,
More easier like that

No matter what we do
No matter how much we try

Nothing can help us to stay more
Nothing can give us more time

Some born as an angel
Then turn to a very bad evil

Others born as an evil
Then turn to an wounderful angel

What we believe in, God… etc
Make us to what we are

Some people born like an evil
And choose to die with that

Besause they are the son of devil
Nothing can save them from that

No matter what democracy try
No matter what Moses, Jesus try … etc

I feel sorry for them!
I mean realy sorry!

If you are bad person
Do not look at other people as bad

You are who you are
They are who they are

Just accept that!


Fri vers av Naji Yaaqoub VIP
Läst 170 gånger
Publicerad 2019-04-04 10:57

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Naji Yaaqoub VIP