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the tear

Their is a hole in the system
a worm hole thats eaten
in my chest
a word thats not had been spoken

but my heart beats like a hammer
for those who stands alone

im holding a war in my hand
in a sea of tears
oh you feel my bleeding wound
my child

but for you i will hold on i will not cry
never surrender for those
how brings us down

Their is a hole in the system
a worm hole thats eaten
in my chest
a word thats not had been spoken

but my heart beats like a hammer
for those who stands alone

but for you i will hold on i will not cry
never surrender for those
how brings us down

Fri vers (Modernistisk dikt) av Neal VIP
Läst 133 gånger
Publicerad 2021-03-28 17:58

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Neal VIP