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Broken and sad



No life

No pleasure

No love


In my life


No word

No music

No play


I my mind


No family

No friends

No luck


Everything became stolen by someone.

Everything was destroyed by all.

Everything ends just like that.


I do not love, and I can’t love someone.

I do not kill but I heat.

I am just sad and lonely.


Sad and quiet like Sunday morning

Sad like a broken heart

Sad like a broken feeling


I cannot go forward in my life.

I only move backward never look to future.

I dream just back in time.


Something ugly break my liv

Some dictator destroyed my life.

Som kind of bloody heart kill my love.


Nothing left to live for

Everything I had before is gone.

From everything my life moves to nothing






Give me back my life you had stolen from me!

My dreams you had stolen from me.

My dignity you had stolen from me.


Fri vers av Naji Yaaqoub VIP
Läst 50 gånger
Publicerad 2023-05-11 09:35

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Naji Yaaqoub VIP