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from Songs for Nordic nights

In the mud slurry

Behind your back they talk bullshit

Though they are earning a lots of money

They want to stop thoose they don’t think fit in

To take away your salary and job

Behind your back they slander you

And thats okey they think about this

It’s there way of thinking and they don’t care

If you die or what happens to you

Just that you get it worse than before

In the mudd slurry you won’t find any empathy

Just some mud slurry that will keep you locked away

They try to put you in jail for anything you’ve done

This is what they need to get out of their lifes

An emptiness in their minds that rattles in the night

Sooner or later they will come to clearness in their lifes

And get it straight ahead and see you as you are


Taleptox Skrev

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Läst 159 gånger
Publicerad 2023-05-14 05:17

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Taleptox VIP