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from Songs for Nordic Nights

Too fit to handle life

You hide in your inner world

Because the outher world you cant

Accept and believe it’s good enough

Your dissatisfaction with it glows through

You think others have crawled under your skin

But that is just out of care and consciousness

We believe that we go to school to get

More consciousness about others as well

You long for common and big men

But most of time you will get disapointed

You are glowing out of thinking too much

About yours and others appearance

Your outher shell is nowadays very hard

Out of experience from a difficult childhood

But no one any longer takes notice of that

They just pass you out in your hometown

Because you have underestimated their

Abiltiy to be caring and conscious

You Believe they are just foolish and idiots

Without any talent or possibility

To handle life on their own

You have fallen for will of power

And to be in charge over others

You ask for others to take care of us

But few will help you with that!


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Publicerad 2023-05-20 10:23

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