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About being kind.

Like a rainbow.

By Julia Engström.

Today she really wants to live.
Feels like she has a lot to give.

She is exploding in colors, colors of love.
It's almost like she has fallen from above.

Her soul is finally peeking out.
Leaving the world with no doubt.

It's there for everyone to see.
The soul has set itself free.

Like a rainbow she shines under the right conditions.
The kindness of her heart beats all competitions.

She has days when she smiles to everyone she meet.
And it keeps coming back in a never ending repeat.

Her exuberance is flowing like the river of life.
Making people forget every struggle and strife.

With a joy so contagious that no one could resist.
For a moment they just love the fact that they exist.

Fri vers (Prosapoesi) av Julia Engström VIP
Läst 57 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2024-01-15 00:10

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Julia Engström VIP