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I see right trough you.
You pretend to be so nice.

You act like your dont care for how you look.
I\'ve seen you stare at yourself in the mirror.

For almost 30 minutes.
Thats just stupid.

I hate that your so false.
I hate everything about you...

I want to hit you straight in the face.

It\'s first time...
I\'ve never ever wanted to hit a girl before.

Wow, i hate you so mutch.
Give a photo of your face.

I\'m gonna put it on my wall,
Then throw knifes at it.

I want to rip out your eyeballs.
Then watch you run around in eternal dark.

I\'m gonna luagh at you.
I\'m gonna look at you, dont even try to help.

I want to cut off your hands.
Then watch you try to put your makeup on.

I would say.

Show me that your more than a real b*tch.
Oh... my mistake,

Your not.

Good luck with your life,
Without eyes and hands.

No makeup either.

Fri vers av Zozzie
Läst 242 gånger
Publicerad 2007-07-18 19:42

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