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Robert Goodytushoes

Before going any further, Robert Goodytushoes,
Let me make one thing clear.
The chair you are sitting in is going to rot.
The clothes you are wearing are going to rot.
The body you are walking around in pretending you someone
Is going to rot….Your heart is lying on the street rotten to.
Eaten by time. Who are you then Robert? Alien or to late?
The pages that isn’t ripped out is a thorn in your side, I’m I right?
Forget the key points of existences, shoot straight
Aim at something before you rot completely Robert…
// Babe Ruth, lucky number 3...

Fri vers av Robert Bobbby Eriksson
Läst 397 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-02-26 04:17

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Robert Bobbby Eriksson