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of the dresscode

Never remind me

Never remind my
Not now
Not ever
Like a elephant
You walk all over my memories
Legal torture
Give me break

It was shipping away
You made me glad
You walked right into my heart
I’m a dictionary bullshit
Help me to be glad
Share the inner soul
Instead of the intercourse
No more bullshit
I want to be someone

Grey footsteps
Grey health
Grey life at stake
Grey believes died
And were resurrected in colours with you
I’m the youth of love
Drag me to shore

“In every you
Is every me”
Equal anxiety attacks
I cant
I kill myself for my ivory
Travelling coast to coast
You came with answer I didn’t get

I need to be entertained all the time
I want you to feel what I feel
Thousand of elephants
Making the grey distance between us
Vague… Discomfort
You made the complex clear

“eyes wide open”

Fri vers av Robert Bobbby Eriksson
Läst 349 gånger
Publicerad 2008-03-24 03:48

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Robert Bobbby Eriksson