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Life ain`t black

You see everything in darkness, when there is so much light
The world has so many colors, but you see it all in black an white
Do you have some kind of sickness, or do you only like to whine?
If you stay inside that shell, there will never be sunshine

Won`t you try to see the light? Don`t you hide in the clouds
You got nothing to loose, and everything to win
So won`t you take the chanse and let your body spin
youll never see that glint of heaven, if you keep knocking on the doors of hell
youll never see the mighty sun, if you keep staying in that shell
so for once, just take the chance, play the game and win

Fri vers av Winterblood
Läst 260 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-09-21 19:29

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