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Seven minutes in heaven

Standing on the verge of my break
My lips start to shake, when I begging please
Got me on my knees, got me begging for peace
How you change my life
You made me smile and made me feel
What I thought was a dream, you made so very real
Made me take the chance I wasn’t aware of that I cued take
Made me rip things apart, taught me how to get a window to break
Taught me how to run how to not take responsibility for my actions
You showed me that life cued be sweater, you opened new doors
You made me rise and finally you made me fall
Now I’m back at page one, but this book will end another way
And you know that I’m not, the same person today
Look what’s left of me, you made me go mad
Look at me, the sight is bad
You gave me seven minutes in heaven, and the rest of my life in hell
You didn’t do anything for me, cues you made me realize my life is boring, you made me a legist, taught me to steal, and laugh at getting caught.
You didn’t heal the wounds you left cues you also taught me how to let it bleed until your heart say stop, bleed out the pain and never look back.
You made me selfish, save yourself, you made me irresponsible,
But also you made me learn freedom
Seven minutes in heaven and rest of my life in hell
I’m done, so I might die as well
Without you I’m nothing left
Seven minutes in heaven, the rest of my life in hell
Seven beautiful minutes in heaven, one long life in hell
Surviving on seven minutes in heaven while living in hell
Seven minutes
Seven minutes in heaven
You both destroyed me and build me up
You waked me from a miserable sleep
You cussed me at the same time you blessed me.
Now I’m too busy thinking of you, I can’t even go to sleep
Now when you’re gone I notice how much you did for me
Oh yeah, of course I see
How much you cared when you put me in all that trouble
I never meant to fall in love, but I did
Try to tell myself you don’t mean a thing, but you do
And sheets in black and white are so much colder all alone
It’s not even funny to break a cop’s bone
Sleeping on a store roof is no fun when you’re alone
Running streets at night, stealing cars, put up fight is not the same without you
Insulting my parents is no point in when I can’t run to you to
Seven minutes in heaven, rest of my life in hell
Seven minutes meaning more than a whole life
I’ve spend my life in a grey shadow, you dragged me out to see the sun
You made me taste the sweetness of the night
You taught me how to fight.
Forced me to live, forced me to fight and now you’re gone
My room feels so empty, and I’m obsessed hanging by my telephone
Waiting for the call that never come
What’s the fun with defy your parents, now when you’re gone
How do you explain a miracle, a demon and an angel on the same time?
Seven minutes in heaven, rest of my life in hell
But I will always remember my seven minutes in heaven

Fri vers av Winterblood
Läst 225 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-09-29 22:39

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  Hans Christian
Jag tyckte mycket om att läsa denna långa prosadikt som berörde mig starkt. Tack för god läsning !
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