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Mån 12 sep 05 21:35 killen jag tycker om berättar att han inte tror på långdistans,.. dvs... jag är ensam, tom, och hopplös..

Hide in the corner

i hide in the corner away from the pain,...
listen to musik, behaving plain..

starring at the empty space, left with me.
the empty space i was born to be.

Nothing seems to help, even if i knew..
meaby how to do,..
I don\'t care, lets fuck it up,..
i might get a clue, not sittin stuck.

to have a job, thats damn luck,
you don\'t understand whitout your fucked up.

it\'s not just that it\'s everything..
i don\'t care, i\'m suffocating.
i don\'t feel, i don\'t know..
I\'m use to sit alone in my blackhole..

I don\'t care what i do, it all flew out.. whit you..
I miss it good i miss i hard, but now i\'m home all alone..
i\'m my slef, no life, no plans,.. No living chans...

Things change, or maby they don\'t,..
i might just been dreaming, then it was,..
the mightyes dream i ever lost..

Well good night, good day,..
or whatever, cous i don\'t care what so ever...

Fri vers av Nathalie a.k.a LoveMee
Läst 294 gånger
Publicerad 2005-09-14 01:22

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”i hide in the corner away from the pain,...”

”starring at the empty space, left with me.
the empty space i was born to be”

”I'm use to sit alone in my blackhole..”
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Nathalie a.k.a LoveMee
Nathalie a.k.a LoveMee