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En dikt till en av de finaste killar jag haft.. Ville bara förklara hur jag känner nu, jämte det jag gjort, mot han och andra.. hur mycke jag saknar han i mitt liv, hur mycke jag hatar mig själv att jag gjorde slut och allt.. Ung och dum, kort sakt.


Alla i want to belive, is that you can forgive.
It matters it always have, don’t be sad.
It wasn’t sex, nothing with you.
If i’m somehow lieing kill me to.
Don’t know what to say my heart didn’t play.
Still feel the same, otherwise i would not say it all.
I want you to sometime’s call.

I want your to care, to be there.
You know so much that no one knows,
you even know how to make me whole.
If it not supose to be, why can’t my heart heal.

What’s the words you need to hear,
you could be here, when i felt all the fear.
All the time’s they called me and said, i was just another game you played.
My love never fade, it always staid.
You know when i sleep i droul, I’m a damn fool.

_ _
. It hurts everyday, all the thing i say, all i sometimes want, is to smoke a joint,.
. It wont go away to what’s the point? .
_ _

You know how i think, what i feel, you know it all.
I just don’t wanna fall.
They hate me, they do.
But if a could change they can to.
I just want you to know, i miss you, i do.
You miss me to.
Plz give me a clue, what can i do.
Your tatood in my heart, so were to start?

Fri vers av Nathalie a.k.a LoveMee
Läst 301 gånger
Publicerad 2005-09-14 01:38

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”I want your to care, to be there.
You know so much that no one knows,
you even know how to make me whole.
If it not supose to be, why can’t my heart heal.”
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Nathalie a.k.a LoveMee
Nathalie a.k.a LoveMee