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Learn to fall

Stop imagine pain it’s not the same,
don’t have a complain, no one to blame.
Stop beeing sad. don’t care about dad.
You got a live to complite, something to defeat,
own devil to beat.

so start landing on your feet,
learn to fall, learn to belive, learn it all.
Go your way, learn to wanna stay.
Even learn how to trust, to live you must.
Take the step, learn it all, learn how to fall.
Learn by misstake,
learn to stop hate, get yourself some faith.

Do it for you, no one else know how to.
Learn them all, you got it all.
Show what you got, let them know that your not.
your not like them.
you got my bless, your the best, fuck the rest.
And complet your quest.

Fri vers av Nathalie a.k.a LoveMee
Läst 464 gånger
Publicerad 2005-09-19 17:39

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Nathalie a.k.a LoveMee
Nathalie a.k.a LoveMee