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80 år Male icon från Stockholm

Homo sum: humani nil a me alienum puto




Cold blood, 22 July 2005 - 2008-03-31

MINA TEXTER, Arkiv 42 Texter

Dark sun rising - 2008-01-30
Walking to the tube, July 2005 - 2007-07-20

« Första 1 2 3 Sista »

Det finns 3 sidor, du står på sidan 3

By the time you\'re 60 you\'ve eaten an amazing variety of meals in an amazing variety of places with an amazing variety of people. God knows how much TV you\'ve allowed to bludgeon your brain. And how many pages of casuistic crap you\'ve allowed into your mind from books and press. The dreams have all been yours - so many! But they\'ve had to deal with all sorts of shit the daily grind has ground into your soul.

Some of those amazing people you\'ve met have done more than eat with you. They\'ve fed your feelings and energized your dreams. Given you spirit, meaning and joy. Others - possessed by emptiness, frustration, greed - bear a wand whose touch brings a burning chill and gangrene to your heart.

I\'m lucky. My friends, comrades, and lovers - humanity - have given strength to my heart and mind, and shrivelled the gangrenous patches. It might so easily have turned out different.

True criticism is like maggots that devour dead and gangrenous flesh but leave the living flesh to heal.

Eternity is ours, and yet
each instant flees my groping hold;
but shared, the whole will freely let
me penetrate its furthest fold.

(Willst Du ins Unendliche schreiten,
Geh nur im Endlichen nach allen Seiten.
JWvG :-)

Blev medlem juli 2007

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