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No one told you this..

Twisted love from above: The beginning



Well, I met God, she was so fun.

I can't believe; what have I done!

Please hear me out, then you will know -

I swear, this is the God damned truth!


So fun and hot, I sure do miss her.

Miss making out, and miss to kiss her.

She has the cutest of behinds

and I adored her dirty mind.


You wouldn't guess -  it is like that -

your precious God could be a slut.

I like it, though, and  I was fine

with her so horny and divine.


I didn't want the time to run 

because the present, was so fun.

Firmly, I need to define:

I want decisions to be mine.


Maybe she's God, but I am boss

and it comes handy in an us.

She have to ask, she have to pray,

and I will teach her to obey.


It was so sweet. Mine was the power.

Oh precious moments when I showed her.

For now its all you need to know

about the "what" and about "how".


A truly unexpected turn.

and it's a lesson to be learned.

The possibility is strong:

Say never - and be proven wrong.

Bunden vers (Rim) av Recycled Redhead 3.0 VIP
Läst 80 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2023-08-17 09:20

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    ej medlem längre
ah, en remix, riktigt roligt :) du är modern. tack för det. de flesta här är uråldriga.....
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Recycled Redhead 3.0
Recycled Redhead 3.0 VIP