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All there is to say


I have to write this one for you -

then watch you try to let it go.

It's all pristine. The spell unsaid.

Words aren't flesh (but in my head).

Maybe I'm magic, as a witch,

what if illusion is my bitch!?


(It's meant for you- but is it true?)


The time will come, and then the fights,

with empty days and endless nights.

I'm feeding good old well known needs

and have to make it all proceed.

Tomorrow have to wait and wait

cause I'm still thinking this is great.


(It's about you - but do you know?)


Tried to make peace with what is dark -

but hungry dogs still bark and bark.

Have no idea what's in the haze,

it used to be a lot more space.

Well, this is all there was to see;

The only present one was me.


I am predator,

I am prey,


and that is all there is to say.

Bunden vers (Rim) av Recycled Redhead 3.0 VIP
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Publicerad 2023-08-21 08:25

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Recycled Redhead 3.0
Recycled Redhead 3.0 VIP