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Now it's gone (second version)


Knowing, when it's time to seal,

I have to claim a better deal.

I need something that is for real.

Just anything, that make me feel.


Well, am I not the stupid one?

Reaching out for what is gone.

For what is distant, far away.

Aiming for it, anyway.


I have to smartly play my cards,

then it will hit, and hit me, hard.

I will move on and, without thinking,

take a hit and maybe sinking.


Being caught up in the blast

between the future and my past.

And if I really do pretending;

I'm on a quest that's never ending.


Craving some, that is for real.

Aiming for a better deal.

Am I not the stupid one?

Now I saw it. Now its gone






Bunden vers (Rim) av Recycled Redhead 3.0 VIP
Läst 107 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2023-09-02 13:27

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    ej medlem längre
förlåt =*( tror inte du vill ha mig tillbaks. jag är oxe så jag blir inte arg, men när jag blir det är det inte pretty. och du skriver lika vackert fortfarande, som en ärkeängel. jag har skrivit så förut, får väl lägga upp nåt......
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Recycled Redhead 3.0
Recycled Redhead 3.0 VIP