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Look around you what do you see? Faces and dreams of the people to be.
We dream so often of the game of love and the fiction story of heaven above
We look inside to see the truth, those of you who pray to love, you loose

Love is an illusion, a fading dream.
Love is a rear flower that only a few have seen

Love is a hoax that too many believe in.
Love is a play in front of the higher powers grin

When you look at the world what do you hear? Nothing, for you don´t use your ears
We´ve lost our marbles and we can´t seem to find them, so we play with bowling balls instead.
It´s fine, they say, as long as you don´t hit someone’s head

Love is a hoax that too many believe in.
Love is a play in front of the higher powers grin

Fri vers av Helena Johansson
Läst 259 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-08-05 16:15

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Helena Johansson
Helena Johansson