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Skrevs som ett projekt där man tog bilder och skrev en dikt om en plats i Malmö, jag valde Malmö central station.

Traveling through Malmö central station

Entering the station the impressions flow,
as I look, I see the most eccentric show
Beginnings and ends, goodbye and hello
Thousands of people always on the go.

In this kingdom time is the king
Everyone dance to catch the minutes he flings
The mighty king of time has us in his clutch
Giving us too much time or not giving enough

The warm and red structure on display
the benevolent arches of yesterday
Down to the cold tunnels below,
The dough colored concrete arches of tomorrow

And now when I speak to you
The contours of this place will be brand new
You see trains and people come and go
So when I leave they put on a new show

Fri vers av Helena Johansson
Läst 246 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2012-02-29 13:38

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Helena Johansson
Helena Johansson