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Finally I was free from pain.

I couldn’t say no to half price to death.
Because I it made me feel alive.
Sometimes it was even for free.
I was a beautiful angel flying in the sky.
You were like the loving mother I never had.

We were inseparable and nothing could stop us.
We promised each other “until death tears us apart” and I felt free.
Free as I could be, I was stuck.
The gate to hell opened up and the devil welcomed me in.

Death was breathing down my neck – and I thought it was life.
I didn’t want to be without you, my love for you were to strong.
But I wanted you to leave – you started to eat me on the inside out.

Until death tears us apart – we said.
And that was my only way out.
I left and I never came back to life.
Finally I was free from pain.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Redsunlight
Läst 134 gånger
Publicerad 2014-07-19 14:24

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