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otroligt kanske att jag fortfarande följer efter dig
tankvis stegvis vis vis vis på
vilket vis?

jag har haft
trouble breathing all day every day
day and night
fast på natten sover jag och
igår kunde jag andas men idag
så såg jag dig fast jag försökte undvika
du kom faktist och ställde dig bredvid
fast inte bredvid mig utan
bredvid han bredvid mig
och om det bara hade varit lika lätt för mig att skriva engelska uppsats som att
skriva detta
men nä det glömmer jag nu

jag tittade när du vinkade fast du vinkade till
din kompis
sällan, eller

and this is my tragic kingdom baby i am full of
broken schoolbooks of
bad quality and i use them to
open my doors that\'s why they all have ripped
front pages and
ripped pencil marks
and i wrote i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you
everywhere even though i
didn\'t know who it was for
it wasn\'t for loverboy or
a friend or
i\'m playing pretend all the time with my broken schoolbooks
i\'m walking down the same two corridors
i AM PRETENDING that you even
recognize me but
it\'s like saying that i would recognize
Chabdel Ubdellah in
fourth grade
I don\'t think i do.. ?
and i just compared myself to a
saudi little imaginary kid

great great fucking extraordinary dazzling all-purpose

so if a
wind of change would just come and
sweep me off my feet onto my
hands and
i will walk towards you on my hands
and i am suddenly the guy next to me who already has a personality
built up for you to
take in your pocket or
lay in your shoe
and then hide under your legs
and you can admire him because ýour families know each other

even if i walk on my hands it won\'t make a difference

so save yourself now change schools avoid my stalking and
change your last name to something that
i can get out of my head like
andersson nilsson or

and today we discussed putting our
names together
and i said:
our names are already in each other
they are actually..
which is kind of


and the first comment i got this morning was a comment about your
abs and
i guess it suited me well

i want this thing to go forward and
i really do

and now i\'m done

Övriga genrer av jag borde
Läst 244 gånger
Publicerad 2006-04-24 17:50

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love it. :)
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