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Inspirerad av två välkända verk, Förvandlingen, Kafka och Brave New World, Aldous Huxley, relaterad till vår tids institutionalisering.

Straight from the Horse's Mouth

Words fail me. My thoughts, utterly disregarded, abandon me and flee from this stifling entity. Then, there is mere silence. A silence as void as a newborn’s mind, as inexperienced as its senses. Only to be crowded by the infectious constructs of another man.

I listen obediently and thus obey instinctively. The answers align perfectly on the once blank slate and order a false purpose to my existence. They cling and adhere themselves to my conscience, till at last becoming it. Normal. Plain. Uniform.

Who am I, if not a slave to a life of mere conformity. A slave to my conditioning. A slave to my inescapable body programmed to follow metronomic routines. Every awakening: a cause of agitation not pacific illumination. Every action: a division between selfish and cooperative impulses. Being continuously told what to think. One letter, to determine my product quality: An Alpha. A Beta. An A. A B.

The ultimate fulfilment.

I wonder beyond this disempowerment. Past the scripts of this notorious play. Far from this cannibalistic reliance.
Work for a whole life to get to the point of working for a whole life,
I wonder if then there is a third life. A free life.
I wonder what else there is to feed the spirit with than garbage. If there is any pesticide for me.
I wonder how long it will take for all of us to realise,
that we are those who we most despise.

Fri vers (Prosapoesi) av Sara Rousta
Läst 209 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2017-09-10 17:58

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Sara Rousta
Sara Rousta