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Om någon har missat det så fullkomligt avgudar jag Stephenie Meyers böcker om Bella och Edward. Läste precis ut \"New Moon\". En liten reflektion på slutet. Läsa den!!

La mia cantante eterna

Moonlight drifting through the night
piercing the dark with soft sheets of light.
His pale chest sparkling slightly, diamondlike,
his strong, cold arms holding me tight.
His mere presence drives my heartbeats mad,
a velvety chuckle as he kisses my forehead.
Eyes smoldering at me like liquid topaz,
I forget to breathe before his angelic face.
That such a creature could ever love me, plain me,
I\'m still convinced it\'s all a marvellous dream.
Afraid that it will end, the hole inside return;
snuggle closer into his gentle embrace.
\"I will never leave ever again, la mia cantante,\"
he murmurs in my ear. \"I love you, my Bella.\"

Fri vers av Emma Norlin
Läst 308 gånger
Publicerad 2007-09-20 22:04

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Emma Norlin
Emma Norlin