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Won\'t you save me, dark stranger?

My feet feel so incredibly heavy,
each step across the ice is a mountain to climb,
I never knew that the sorrow could remain
after so long.

Why won\'t you let me go,
why do you remain behind my eyelids,
even when I have told myself
to set you free, to release myself?

Where does this bitter agony come from,
who is that make belief stranger in black
who haunts my daydreams,
why do I keep on hoping for him to sweep me off my feet?

Am I damaged goods,
forever cynical about the duration of love?
So certain that it all must end,
that no light and joy can remain for too long.

Why the hell have you turned me into this!
This wretched creature hiding in the dark,
that hates herself for being so weak and pitiful,
crying over her loneliness, over what she has lost.

Fri vers av Emma Norlin
Läst 504 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-02-11 15:46

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Emma Norlin
Emma Norlin