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Den känns väldigt ryckig och osammanhängande, men baseras på ännu en dröm jag hade i natt, så det får väl förlåtas.

The shadow of another man

I don\'t understand why you agreed to this,
it is so clear that you haven\'t forgotten about him.
Why can\'t you see that there was nothing special about that man,
that he only toyed with you because you let him do it?

I could never tear my eyes away from you,
even when you belonged to someone else,
just like I can\'t stop looking at you know,
when you belong to me, though only in word;
you still belong wholly him, body, heart and mind.

You are a vision, you truly are, my love,
the green silk of your dress hugging your curves,
flashing with gold and gems, just like
your blue eyes flash behind your green mask and brown tresses.

You turn around so suddenly, as if you heard a sound,
and when your eyes fall on me,
that gorgeous mouth of yours turns into a loving smile;
one that I have never seen before when you looked at me.

But then it is like you realize that I\'m not him,
and you turn to run, hindered by those full skirts;
I don\'t know why, but I run after you,
catching you around the waist and pushing you up against a wall.

\"Why don\'t you love me?\" I cry;
you say nothing and stare at me with tears in your eyes.
\"He never loved you like I do,
and he will never come back!\"

I crush my mouth against yours, meeting no resistance,
but neither do you respond to me;
when I remove my lips the only thing coming over yours
is his name, like a reflexive caress.

Bile rises in my throat when it finally hits me:
you will never get over him, you will never be mine.
I turn and walk away from you, knowing that you
will not care that you broke my heart, that you don\'t even know you did it.

Fri vers av Emma Norlin
Läst 386 gånger
Publicerad 2008-02-12 15:38

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Emma Norlin
Emma Norlin