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I know it's mushy and overdone, but I just felt like writing something nice and fluffy for a change. I just love the name Isabella. If I ever get a daughter I'll name her that.

Precious, beautiful little creature

Little child,

You are so perfect lying here in my arms,

Looking up at me with your big dark eyes

Blue like a starless midnight sky.


You are so impossibly small, so fragile,

But still so perfect in every single way

So real in the weight that I feel when I hold you,

In the strong grip of you tiny hand around one of my fingers.


My little Isabella, my dark-haired little angel,

I've loved you since the moment you drew your first breath

From the first time you kicked inside of me

In response to a lullaby I sang one night.


I will watch you grow up as the years go by,

And I will always love you no matter what,

Because you are as much a part of me as my heart,

And I could not live without either one.

Fri vers av Emma Norlin
Läst 339 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-05-28 21:10

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  Larz Gustafsson VIP
I think your poem is beautiful.

I\' m fond of this: Blue like a starless midnight sky
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Emma Norlin
Emma Norlin