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Ett tappert försök på Engelska;-) Ville ni/ du bara skulle veta detta och tänka på när det kan kännas jobbigt... Så finns det alltid någon där för dig... Kan inte förklara mig bättre än så här... Lättare att skriva än att säga...

I hope YOU Know

I know you're going crazy,
I've been there too.
I can see how the weight is making your knees bend,
Let me take some of it from you.
Don't keep yourself closed off,
I am here for you to open up and let go.
There is so much you can't forget or forgive,
Let me help you cope, we can work things out together.
I hear the pain in your voice,
You need me now.
Don't worry, I'll move heaven and hell to get there.
You can't talk, you won't talk about it,
I understand.
Put your worries in my hands.
Lay your head down,
And believe that I will do anything to stop your tears.
You're ready to give up, you've stopped,
I want to be able to give you the strength to keep going.
Link arms with me, Let's move on,
As one living, breathing, loving, being.
Know that you can put faith in me.
I will be your rock, I will be your dwelling,
I am here with you, for you always.
We are so alike in many things,frome the past
and in to the future.
I believe in you, I believe in us.
Let me take your worried minde a side.
Let me make you happy.
Let me show what love is all about.
Let me take you to places that can not
be found with the naked eye.
Believe in me as i believe in you, and
what wonderfull thing´s we can do.
Togather we can move the world and
be free frome the past.
Now is the future a head of us, so
let us do the best of it.
Love, happyness, well beeing!!

Puss Millan*

Fri vers av Camilla_DenVilda
Läst 195 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2009-05-13 18:39

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  Herr Fred Frikadell
Varför är det bara du som ska vara stark?
Du förtjänar nån starkare än vad du är, nån som Du kan luta dig emot :D

Put your worries in my hands.
Lay your head down

vacker , speciellt de raderna... några stavfel men annars klockren .. ärlig, äkta .. en låttext typ, är det meningen kanske ..
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