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Let go and give in

Now it´s time to let go and give in....

And fuck this so called life to begin....

Every body whant´t play a game, and they don´t feel ashame....

I want to release my self to faith....

And I do now realize it´s all about love and hate....

Love is fear and fear i war....

So i guess it´a time to join the war....

And I don´t feel afraid for the once that hurt me before....

Now it´s time to let go and give in and start living
life to the verry end!!!

Fri vers av Camilla_DenVilda
Läst 341 gånger och applåderad av 6 personer
Publicerad 2009-05-28 16:01

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  Herr Fred Frikadell
Vackert....Frukta livet för fan!!!!
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