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I wouldn´t call it hard

I wouldn’t call it hard, but I would never say it’s easy
maturely saying "life is hard" is just TOO cheesy.

My mum always told me the story of honour
I say fuck that I was always a goner

So here I am my bedtime story is the sound of party play,
And the comforting nightlight is a cigarette glowing in the ashtray.

The feeling of a million broken thoughts and a possibly broken life.
My conations I believe was surgicaly removed with a knife

You wouldn’t resuscitate a dead body now would you?
some things you just can´t undo

Fri vers av Helena Johansson
Läst 243 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2009-07-26 18:44

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Helena Johansson
Helena Johansson