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Den här dikten skrev jag som 16-åring. Riktigt så blev ju inte livet, men jag är fortfarande en romantiker.


One I will love and

One it will be

One who will love the total me

Lifelong as a vision

of a ship which sail

but like a ship it´ll be no jail

Joy is something we´ll have together

sorrow is something we´ll also share

And in life we´ll walk together

on the road without no fear

I´ll never look at any other man

and I`ll trust you - I know that I can

We are friend, we´ll always be

We are two, but yet we´re One - you see

I know fate meant - You and Me

Bunden vers av Jeanne-Marie VIP
Läst 327 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2016-12-21 21:03

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Jeanne-Marie VIP