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In Short...

I lost 4 centimeters in 2018,
but did I also loose my former outlook
on life?

Others' appreciation of me?

Is height one's angle on things?
Others' angle on me?

Is one measured by tallness,
by the altitude of one's head?
Like in Randy Newman's song Short People!

Did I become less haughty
by four centimeters?
More grounded, less lofty?

Did I loose some old friends, gain new?
Do I move in different circles now?

Did I become more or less prone
to become religious?

Do I listen better to others' point of view,
or less?

Do I feel closer to grass & soil,
more distant from birds & clouds?

I don't know

Bob Dylan is kinda short,
but not as a consequence of surgery

Dylan is pretty short yes, whatever that means

If he had been a tall guy, would we still have songs
like ”I'll Keep It With Mine”?

Was I one kind of H. sapiens riding out
on the 2nd of June 2018,
and another waking up from surgery,
four centimeters shorter?

I did write poetry right before I was thrown off the horse,
in the collection FASER (PHASES),
and right after waking up after major surgery,

Maybe I should analyse these texts,
looking for any changes of attitude?

Fri vers (Fri form) av Ingvar Loco Nordin VIP
Läst 16 gånger
Publicerad 2024-06-21 09:44

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Ingvar Loco Nordin VIP