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Beautifully expressed between death and life.

Beautifully expressed!
Death asked life: Why does everyone love you and hate me?
Life answered:
Because I am a beautiful lie and you are a cruel truth.
Comfortable! To be the death of the mind and the life of a soul's heart in secret dialogue.
But what else they talked about, can't say!
And man, monogamous by nature, lives his monogamy in doubt, lives dead and dies at the limit of every living and joyful moment.
He lives it threefold in body, soul, spirit. He lives it in countless guises in his thoughts and feelings.
That what comes closer always retreats.

This dialogue between death and life captures the eternal duality between light and darkness, truth and illusion.
Death, as a cruel truth, is inescapable and relentless, while life, as a beautiful lie, lures us with its illusions and hopes.
Human doubts and emotions are a constant struggle between these two forces.

Your poetic expression reminds me of the words of the French writer André Gide: "One cannot discover new seas without having the courage to lose sight of the coast."

Prosa av Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP
Läst 7 gånger
Publicerad 2024-06-30 09:31

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Jeflea Norma, Diana.
Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP